Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Elements and Principles of Graphic Design.


lines are artwork, they are the beginning and the structure. There are many different types of lines, thin, thick, curvy, straight, and more   
an example above.

 shape is the overall view of a project.

 "shape is defined as an area that stands out from the space next to or around it due to a defined or implied boundary, or because of difference of value, color, or texture." - Cindy Kovalik, 

-types of shapes 
mechanical shapes, also called geometric shapes are the kind that can be made with a ruler or compass. think of things like hexagons or squares and triangles   

mass is a measurement as well as kinda of a texture and size.

Texture is always a part of a design whether intentional or not. it is the visual or tactile surface characteristics of a piece.

texture in photos.
texture in artwork.
texture shown through lines.

Visual Texture 
The texture that appears from design elements. Layer of shapes and text can bring about the feeling of texture on a page or on a screen.

Tactile Texture
the actual texture you can feel. the most common instance of this is with paper. the feel and weight can significantly impact the perception of a design. 

 well color is color, but how you blend them is what matters.

value is how light or dark a color is,
how to use value: 
to increase/decrease contrast the greater the difference in value the greater the object meant to catch your attention will stand out. 
  color has the power to over ride the effects of value in black and white the color with stand out more.
strong contrast in values other then strictly black and white (light and dark areas using tints of the same color or different light and dark colors) 

1) subtle use of color, or monochromatic

   2) bold use of color
 3) black and white 

Principles of Graphic Design 

balancing the art work so that it goes together.
the closeness of the different designs through out your work.
the way you have your work aligned.
repeating small or big things through out your work. 
the contrasting colors, light, and designs, basically how does each part of our work differ from its self but go together. 
-White Space
the spaces you haven't filled.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012